Finally I’m writing this post mortem
Here I’ll show you some of the main steps from my game creation. (In other words, I removed all the boring debugging which took me 90% of the time )
1. Getting the idea
This part took me some time but I managed to do it (of course).
2. Making the basic world & “tank”
I programmed the basic world and tank, than added some graphics.
3. Pew pew
I added shooting bullets!
4. The space
I made the space (feels like god ) and added it to the game.
5. Adding some enemies
I created the enemy for making your life harder.
6. Kaboom!
“It’s the end of the world!”
7. Adding “brain”and health bars
I added something to the enemie’s head.
8. Money!
I added the “Galactic Points” to the game so you’ll be able to buy upgrades.
9. Adding the upgrades!
I added the most fun part of the game, the upgrades!
== The Game Is done ==
I had some great times making this game
My “graphics skills” really improved from the last time and I’m very happy from it. One big thing that I learnt from this Ludum Dare was that you really have to make sure that your weekend is clear. I had a lot of things in this weekend and in a result I almost ran out of time and had a lot of pressure. But I still managed to finish my game as I wanted.
You can play & rate my game here!